Monday, August 16, 2010

What You Can Do

The United Nations has now estimated that Pakistan will need billions of dollars to recover from its worst floods in 80 years - further straining a country already dependent on foreign aid to prop up its economy. Over 60,000 troops are involved in flood relief operations trying to assist nearly 14 million people who are now affected by the flooding. The U.N. has just launched an appeal for $459 million in immediate aid.

The Organizing Committee of PAK DAY LA has planned to work together with the community to provide efforts in response to the catastrophe in Pakistan. The Floods have left many people homeless in this month of Ramadhan.  We need your support now more than ever to help provide clean water, food, medicine and tents to our affected brothers and sisters of Pakistan.

Please open your heart and donate generously to this cause and directly contact the members listed below for your generous support. Your support will go a long way.  Updated information and updated statues on the conditions will InshAllah be provided to each of member of this group.

Please donate generously and contact the following people with an open heart.
Ismail 310 621 2807            Sameer 714 932 5590
Zubair 310 213 9701            YKKB   310 770 1904
Majeed Shaikh 562 965 6770

Please visit this link to see the big picture and to see what our land has become.

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