Here is what Martin Mogwanja, UNICEF representative in Pakistan had to say about the current situation: "Providing clean water and adequate sanitation is key to the survival of millions of flood affected people in Pakistan. In terms of numbers of people needing life-saving assistance, this emergency is bigger than the Tsunami, Haiti, and the last Pakistan earthquake put together.”
Furthermore, Mogwanja said, "We urgently need to scale up the distribution of water. If we are not able to do so because of lack funding, water-borne diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea and dysentery will spread and begin killing affected populations, especially children, already weak and vulnerable to disease and malnutrition", added Mogwanja.
To donate to Pakistan relief efforts, visit: http://www.supportunicef.org/site/pp.asp?c=9fLEJSOALpE&b=6161181
For further information, please contact:Patrick McCormick, UNICEF Media, New York,
Tel + 1 212 326-7426,
Marco Jimenez Rodriguez, UNICEF Media, Geneva,
Tel + 41 22 909 5716,
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