Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Yahoo News: How to Help Pakistan

The yahoo news blog has posted an interesting article entitled:  "Pakistan Flood How to Help".  While the magnitude of this disaster has not been fully assessed, the number is greater than the 2005 South Asia tsunami (5 million), the 2005 South Asia earthquake (3 million), or the 2010 Haiti earthquake (3 million). 

Here is a list of organizations identified by yahoo news as working on relief and recovery in the region:

Church World Service
Distributing food packages and shelter material for families affected by the floods in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces. Click here to donate.

International Rescue Committee
Bringing help to victims of the monsoon floods. Click here to donate.

Islamic Relief
Carrying out an emergency campaign to aid the victims of the floods. Click here to donate.


Conducting emergency aid effort for the victims of the flood. Click here to donate.

Save the Children
Providing humanitarian relief in the shape of emergency health care and provision of non-food items and shelter. Click here to donate.

Providing assistance in the areas of water and sanitation, health, and nutrition. Click here to donate.

World Food Programme
Mobilizing resources to make sure needs in Pakistan are met as quickly as is humanly possible. Click here to donate.
World Vision
Providing a rapid response in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (former North West Frontiere Province) and Punjab. Click here to donate.

To read the whole article, visit this link:

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